
Anylogic manual
Anylogic manual

anylogic manual

To be sure, I share his thinking of form because, as mentioned in the podcast, he has a Catholic background.įorm is not something I comprehended in depth until I had a deeper understanding of the difference between sacrament and sacramental in Catholic thinking-a sacrament requires both valid matter and valid form-art can be experienced as both sacrament and sacramental regardless of a person’s religion or non-religion. I’ve listened for a third time, and I hope to be able to share what perhaps is insight into Santayana’s understanding of the truth(s) found in art.

anylogic manual

That said, when first reading D&R I thought of The Police’s album Zenyatta Mondatta the beginning of the song “Voices Inside My Head,” as an acoustic representation of what Difference and Repetition might sound like, while simultaneously responding to a comment re synchronicity AND(talk about multitasking) having fun with my son who likes the song “Canary in a Coalmine.”Īll this to say, I like what you added to the podcast about music and lyrics. There was one occasion while working at a center with children during clean-up I said “turn that up” to a colleague–who is much younger than I, has a degree in music with an understanding of pop song lyric meaning–started laughing and changed the station, privately enlightening me about what the lyrics meant! Still, it was a learning experience I still laugh about it to this day. Mark, I’m on board with you in regards to music at 32:00 minutes into the podcast and have often thought, waaayyyyy after the fact of posting a song I perhaps should have looked-up all the songs on the album along with lyrics (which I now do) before spontaneity comes back to haunt me! Hey, guys, this is a great discussion and I’m enjoying it so much that I’m on my third round without completion! Read more about the topic and get the book.

anylogic manual

The regular foursome talk through Santayana's theory with regard to expressionist painting, rock 'n roll, beautiful landscapes, abstract expressionism, and more.

anylogic manual

the pretty color or texture), form (the relations between perceived parts), and expression (what external to the work itself does it bring to mind?) and ends up being able to distinguish high art (form-centric) from more savage forms (centered on matter or expression) while distinguishing real appreciation (which can include any of the three elements) from mere pretension (when you don't really have an immediate experience at all but merely recognize that you're supposed to think that this is good). He divides these into areas of matter (e.g. What are we saying when we call something "beautiful?" Are we pointing out an objective quality that other people (anyone?) can ferret out, or just essentially saying "yay!" without any logic necessarily behind our exclamation? The poet and philosopher Santayana thought that while aesthetic appreciation is an immediate experience-we don't "infer" the beauty of something by recognizing some natural qualities that it has-we can nonetheless analyze the experience after the fact to uncover a number of grounds on which we might appreciate something. On George Santayana's The Sense of Beauty (1896). Or become a PEL Citizen for $5 a month, and get access to this and all other paywalled episodes, including 68 back catalogue episodes exclusive Part 2's for episodes published after September, 2020 and our after-show Nightcap, where the guys respond to listener email and chat more causally.

Anylogic manual